I haven't been writing for such a long long long time and I missed it. After reading my past posts, I realized I need to write again. Not because I have to, but I LOVE to... Writing is my form of releasing emotions - both positive and negative. And its hard to keep it inside, especially if one is a stay at home mom, sometimes, one just need to talk to somebody.... and if that is not possible, my only solution is to write.
For the past 11 weeks, I have begun writing again. But not publicly, its more of a private thing. I have been doing Home Retreat and its a nice feeling writing my prayers to God. And because of that, I missed writing again in my blog.
I want to write again, but I really have to find time to do it. Before I can easily do it since I only have to take care of my son. But now, with two very active kids, home chores plus Homeschooling, I really have to find a way...
I remember, this passion for writing did not start when blogging became a hit... I remember, I started writing when I received my first Diary. (like that was 25 years ago!) I named my Diary "Daisy" cause it rhymes with diary hahaha! I still have that diary in my possession, hidden in the deepest part of my ---- (secret).... and I love reading and rereading it, and I always laugh whenever I am reminded of how "babaw" I was with so many childish experiences.
I want to impart to my children not just the love for writing, but reading as well. That is why I am really trying my best to teach my kids not just to read but to love reading.
I hope through my writing, I am able to impart God's promises and love for us.
I will revive the fire!
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